"If you are really thankful,
what do you do? You share."
Clement Stone
Our Philosophy
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."
Henry Ford

Our Mission
The Edmund Cheney SJ Foundation’s mission and vision evolved out of intensive dialogue regarding “giving back”. That dialogue included dedicated past administrators, students and faculty. It is the goal of the Foundation to work with the Board of Governors, School Administration and Students alike at St. Mary’s College to develop a unique, intellectually rigorous, provocative and student-centric learning environment. These will all be designed for attainability, sustainability and scalability, to be in concert with St. Mary’s College’s commitment to its motto…“Always to Excel”.
The Foundation views higher education and vocational training as catalysts and agents of change for individuals, families, communities, and Jamaica.
The Foundation will provide strategic, operational and financial support to St. Mary’s College, hence the administration, its students and graduates. Additionally, the Foundation will ensure that positive educational outcomes are accessible to all, regardless of economic, gender, racial and religious circumstances.
The essence of the Foundation is geared to community, achievement and opportunity. Doors will not be closed to those who lack financial resources, and post-secondary education will be made available where possible to all with the potential to succeed.
The Foundation envisions a community fully committed to the recognition and importance of educational achievement.
The Edmund Cheney SJ Foundation desires to build the school community in ways that will:
Promote and provide financial support for immediate high school education;
Promote and provide financial support for post-secondary education;
Assure students have the information necessary to make sound educational and financial decisions for the betterment of their lives; and
Lead a collaborative network of community and educational partners aligned to support student preparation, transition, and persistence to degree completion.

Our Vision

We are not celebrities; we are not world leaders; we are simple, hardworking Jamaicans who benefitted from one man's indomitable spirit. Father Edmund Cheney came to Jamaica, made it his home and built the school that shaped who we are today. Even now, we are not millionaires; we have a special heart of gratitude for those who sacrificed so we could be where we are. Most of us migrated and reside on foreign shores, but home is always home.
Our country needs a future that rests in the hands of stable, well-rounded and deep-thinking young people. St Mary's College is situated in a rural community. Many of the people living there can't dream very far, but by God's grace through the hands of many others, we made it to this point. We thankfully offer our support to the next generation for the sake of “Jamaica, Land We Love.”
We are always thankful to see other youth fulfil their potential and rise to be more than they dreamed possible.
Anthony DaCosta - Chairman | CLASS OF '64
Our Team
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller